About Me

Hi, my name is Kylee Bragg. I’m currently 14 years old. I attend Western Brown High School as a freshmen this year. I enjoy making people laugh and telling jokes. It just comes naturally. Sometimes I’m a little too honest with people and I have no filter whatsoever. If I don’t like something or feel the need to say my opinion, I will say how I feel. I don’t listen to what other people say about me because in reality I don’t care what you think or how you feel about me. if I’m happy then I’m fine with myself.

I usually read, eat, sleep, listen to music or play music in my free time. I have been a member of the school band for 3 years (this year will be my 4th year). I have play many instruments including a flute, recorder, plastic bucks, snare drums, and base drum. I find myself to have a powerful love for music. I don’t think I go a day without listening, singing or playing music. Whenever I am given new sheet music or find a new song to listen to. I try my best to learn it in as little time as possible to challenge myself. Whenever I do challenge myself I take it very seriously. I think it’s point less to do something if you’re not going to challenge yourself.

I really enjoy eating different types of foods, I’m not really picky with foods. I could eat a whole cow and lose 10lbs. I always try new foods even if I don’t think I’ll like it. If I find a new food that I really like I’ll binge on it. That’s basically everything you need to know about me.